
How to Take Creative Couples Portraits

Whatever their skill level, most photographers do everything they can to avoid cheesy, awkward and generic couples portraits. But there are a few creative elements to think about while you’re at the location and also when editing your images that will make them a bit more special. Now let’s learn from Alice Laidlaw, a young award-winning photographer.

Locations don’t have to be iconic or super amazing. Integrating texture, form and pattern can lend in telling a story about the couple, and create a narrative in your images.
Trees and Foliage:
Framing couples in the branch formations or space around the tree allows it to be important in the composition without distracting from the couple. This is particularly effective if you stand far back from your subjects. Bushy, full foliage with pattern and texture makes a great background.
Doorways, archways and windows are great to position couple in and give the composition a dynamic aspect. It can often give the image balance, and can be applied to both indoor and outdoor sessions. Carefully positioning yourself and your couple in front of these elements can produce great graphic compositions.

If you struggle to think of creative ways to present your images to make them stand out, there are a few things to consider which can make a good image a great image.
If you have a great shot of your couple with the expressions you want, don’t be afraid to crop in really tight. This is also an opportunity to create some alternative formats. Cropping to a square format can also lend to an artistic result.
Combining images:
Pair appropriate images together side by side on the canvas. A good option is placing a close-up portrait orientation next to a wider landscape orientation.
A very faint colored filter can change so much in your image and alters the mood dramatically. Warming the tone can instantly romanticize a couple’s portrait. To create an even softer effect, reduce the overall saturation of the original image.
Once you’ve done your overall adjustments, applying some noise over the image is a great way to add subtle texture and gives your image an “arty” look.
Add a Border:
Adding a border can make such a different in the overall look of the final image and raises the bar in presentation. It certainly makes your image look more like an art photograph, and also acts as a frame. 

